|| listen with your heart ||

I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying. . .

Wednesday 31 July 2013

only I know

one of the hurtful part of my days is to secretly looking at you without you noticing it
one of the hurtful part in my days is to secretly missing you without showing it
one of the hurtful part in my days is to openly show my happiness to hide my great loneliness

Monday 15 July 2013


Happy birthday Ma~~~

sebagai tambahan wish semalam yang agak kelam kabut...heeeeeee...semoga orang yang dimaksudkan sentiasa d rahmati Allah swt,d kurniakan keluarga yang bahagia dan dimurahkan rezeki olehNya.semoga kita kan bersua muka...rindu~~ada jodoh x kemana nak ow. . . 

Sunday 14 July 2013

its too bad

again,badly hurt by you. you know who you are.

Saturday 13 July 2013

I forgot actually

for those who are concern, stop stalking and reporting. . .that will hurt you eventually
yes, i did stalk others before n that hurt me.so my sayangs sekalian,kalu dah tau bnda tu menyakitkan,tak yah lar buat. . . life is too short to care about things that dont deserve ur attention


Thursday 11 July 2013

Sunday 23 June 2013

all thanks to you

I sincerely thank you for being so nice to me through my bad and good. . . thanks for taking care of me . . .  

thanksijengoppa <3

Tuesday 18 June 2013

something that suits me now

i found this from wise quotes and sayings
this is how it sounds

:: When a girl says I am DONE sometime really means FIGHT for ME ::
I said it really suits me now because, right now, on this moment, u can clearly see that my fb pro pic n cover photo are saying the same I am DONE! but only wise people understand the underlining meaning (:

saranghae oppa~~

once upon a time

I once said to him that relationship status is not important, what is more important, my feelings towards him and his feelings towards me. . . and hey you all over the world!!!!!!!! fighting~~~

Monday 10 June 2013


its all about misunderstanding. . . when someone says,for examaple, 'mok makan nasik' , i'll interpret it as 'i'm going to eat rice' or 'i want to eat rice' . . . my situation just now was, i intepreted the sentence as i'm going to eat rice but what i meant was not the same as what that person expected. . .or thought. . . thats how simple thing turned out so difficult or complicated . . .  aigooooo...

Sunday 9 June 2013

tahukah anda ? 2

saya juga manusia biasa yang mempunyai hati dan perasaan dan tubuh fizikal yang  biasa2 ajerrrr. . .semenjak dua menjak ini sy berasa agak murung disebabkan oleh kitaran hidup manusia yang tidak seimbang. . .saya terasa ingin menjerit melolong - lolong sekiranya ada kesempatan namun kesempatan itu belum ku temui. . saya juga ingin menangis teresak-esak namun air mata kering lagi. . .saya juga ingin meluah perasaan tapi susah menemui yang benar- benar memahami dan jujur. . .saya juga ingin bergembira selagi cuti masih ada namun kegusaran yang melanda menyukarkan keadaan saya. . .wahai wanita seluruh duni,mungkin anda penah merasa apa yang saya rasakan, tahniah anda mampu bertahan. . .saya juga berusaha menjadi insan yang baek kepada anda2 d luar sana, saya juga berusaha untuk menjadi yang terbaik untuk diri sendiri, saya juga berusaha untuk bertahan seperti anda semua, namun....saya belum mandi lagi.hehe. . .wahai wanita di luar sana,i mean,wahai semua orang di luar sana, selain memikirkan keadaan anda, pernahkah anda terfikirkan keadaan opponent anda?saya sering memikirkan keadaan begitu dan saya menjadi begini dan begitu. . .pepatah selalu mengatakan, do not judge me until you can crawl under my skin, until you can wear and walk on my shoes..ko ade paham? wahai lelaki d luar sana,hebat permainan dia, hebat!!! hohoho..if you know what i mean..lastly,,sy nk ucapkan trima kseh sesangat kpda sesapa saja yang telah sudi menjadi teman bicara saya, teman berfikir saya, dan teman teman teman. . .kita ini hidup berteman,jadi eloklah saling membantu dan tidak memusnahkan..semoga kisah saya menjadi telaadan bagi yang mengetahuinya. .. 

Saturday 8 June 2013


I'm not sick of you
i'm just sick of all the games...all the dramas...all the excuses...that i'd gone through, that i'd heard...some one said to me "it must be hurt to love someone who doesn't love us back completely" i suppose....huh...

Sunday 28 April 2013

hey world!!!!!!!!!


erm. . .  erm. . .erm. . . huaaaaaaaa...wanna shout out of the world....i'm glad that he likes it. . .  he loves my present .. . kekeke. . . all the struggles are paid. . . *proud of myself*
thank you onitsuka tiger *ithinkso* zzzzz. . .forgot to take a picture of that tiger. grrrrrrrr..nevermind, i still have it in my heart. . .. happy birthday dear (: and for ur so called surprise, better luck next time. .. hahahah. . . . . . btw, Alhamdulillah,u came back safely . . . 


tahukah anda?

hari ini bertarikh 28 April 2013 dan ia merupakan birthday orang yang saya sayang. . . hewhewhew. . . happy birthday dear izzyasrin. . . mayAllaheaseyourlife~~sekian,itu sahaja.hahahaha


Tuesday 9 April 2013

::sekali lagi::

batok sampai nak termuntah
sakit perot sebab batok melampau
sakit tekak sebab,, korang wat ape kat dalam tu??????
ujian daripadaNya,sebagai tanda Dia masih sayang. . .heeeeeeee (:


Thursday 4 April 2013

:: excited ::

it feels extremely sweet when someone, in the middle of the class texted you just to show how much he misses you. . .  <3


p/s: little sweet thing that makes me grow stronger 

Monday 25 March 2013

::melody day like back then::

I wait every day, end up crying and without a word, hurt alone

Like a fool, I keep telling myself, that kind of happiness doesn’t come easily

I didn’t want to hurt again and I couldn’t bear to show you my heart because I’m scared
No matter how much I pretend to be alright and smile, my heart keeps making me cry

Are you looking at me? Are you looking at my heart?
I hold it in and hold it in again but it hurts like crazy
I throw it out and erase it again but I’m at the same place
Come back, hold me, just like that time

I endlessly tell myself that I’m alright now, that I’m really alright
I told myself countlessly that this kind of hardship is nothing to me

I didn’t think I’d see you again and because I can’t stay by your side
No matter how much I try to take it off,
The longing that’s on me is spreading

Are you looking at me? Are you looking at my heart?
I hold it in and hold it in again but it hurts like crazy
I throw it out and erase it again but I’m at the same place
Leave so that I can’t remember this love

But just don’t forget this
Only you were the reason I lived

The person who stayed by me, the person who made me live
Even when I hold my breath in and look, a person that I long for
I can’t fill up that love in my heart
Come back, hold me, just like that time

p/s: IloveYou

Monday 18 March 2013


Islam itu indah. . . ajarannya indah-indah belaka. . . 

inginku lahirkan rasa kesyukuran yang tak terhingga atas nyawa yang Allah s.w.t kurniakan kepadaku.walaupun banyak dosaku, Dia masih memberi peluang kepadaku untuk bertaubat. .. Dia Maha Mengetahui,Maha Mengasihani. . . 

I wanna show my gratitude for letting me go through my days smoothly without even think about things that i don't want to remember. . . last year, 17th March was a **** day for me. masa berlalu terlalu cepat hingga aku pun x sedar, dh stahun ia terjadi.kepada orang itu dan orang itu, harap anda maafkan saya. . . i don't know ur stituation and u too. but i really hope that we can talk n clear everything that trouble my mind all this while..haisss...sekian.

p/s: doakan nenda saya cepat2 sihat (:

Wednesday 13 March 2013

we're complicated in our own way

yes, you might see me as a stupid person, but I choose this path, I choose to be like this, I choose to be me, when time comes, it will reveal the truth. . .if we're meant to be, we'll be. . . if we're not meant to be, we'll see. . .
as long as we're happy now, that's enough. don't think about the past, don't predict what in the future,just live your life to the fullest and appreciate those who are still with you through good and bad.you will never know when they are going away from you, so love them, appreciate them, and show to them that you care, that you love. i'm doing this not because i want to seek revenge or for fun or for nothing, it's indescribable i just love even though it hurts. when you love someone, it is not necessarily involving two parties. you can just love anybody, anything without restriction.it's your heart by the way.not theirs. . .i hope that ONE fine day will come and i get the answer for my own question. open your eyes, open your heart, open your mind.love yourself before you can love others. 

p/s:do not fall in love because thing that falls always break and that hurts you, just love and you'll be okay (:


Saturday 16 February 2013

harapan. . .

menunggu kehadirannya dengan penuh debaran dan kesabaran
sabar itu indah
menghitung hari. . .detik demi detik. . .asal cuti CNY jer,aku tunggu die balik..mcam last year jugak tp every year has different story. . . last year sgt tragis *sila rujuk post d bawah kalu berkeinginan* kekeke
wahai awak, semoga urusan awak d permudahkan oleh Nya..sy sentiasa mendoakan yg terbaek ntok awak..kekekke . . . sapa sini kito wak esaimen kay??? errrrrrr. . . chaiyok2. . .

::doa ntuk kita::

Wednesday 6 February 2013

...dan pabila 1st time dapat mc. . .

aku seorang budak yang tidak pernah dpt mc..kuikuikui. . . in my previous post,I'd mention abt going to the clinic, rite??

naaaaaaaa. . .  I went to the clinic last sunday with my beloved Kak suSUE. . . kekekeke. . . nice name , isn't it? as expected, I got 3 days mc bcoz of *sore eyes*

 xdapat mngalahkan 5 days mc. hehehhe. . .  it's not a competition btw. . .  for these 3 daysssss,. . .  I was busy doing my TSL 3105 assignment. . . ko hade gigih macam aku ngadap lappy time mate merah??? Alhamdulillah, I've done A PART of it *part 1 only....zoizoizoizoi. . .. ehem3. . .  tazkirah cket. . . itulah hikmah d sebalik sakit mate aku kali ni. . . sume bende terjadi atas sebabnya okey. . .  Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melebihi kemampuannya. . .  *correct me if i'm wrong* bah2,, I got to go. . .  a bit more n I'm done with Part 1. . .kekekeke -yh-

p/s: semogasakitkuinimenjadikifarahdosabuatkuamin. . .. 

Monday 4 February 2013

oh PLEASE lah!!!!

Dear all of you, please do not take me for granted!!!
*mohon terasa*

I'm not a person who'll easily say NO or I can't
that is so not me hokey. . . I'll try my best to comfort you but oh PLEASE lah, DO NOT take me for granted. . .  ZZZzzzzZZzzz. . .

-mode sudah tenang-


Sunday 3 February 2013


today, we had replacement class for CNY holiday. as usual, I woke up early in the morning n. . . . i found that my eyes were red in colour. . .its not totally red,juz you know how sore eyes look like...hmm,, i feel like going to the clinic tomorrow but still searching for transport...anyone???? willingly to bring me there??? (: I hope He will send me someone. . . I know this is just a test from Him to me (hambaNya). . . sbgai hambaNya, aku hanya mampu berusaha dan berdoa agar d permudahkan segala urusanku. . hanya kepadaMu aku memohon pertolongan ya Allah. . . Ya Allah, tabahkanlah diriku ini dalam menepuhi segala ujian dan dugaanMu...

ms.noor n her red eyes...kekekeke. .. 

*doa itu senjata muslim*

Friday 1 February 2013

my complicated life
